Parent Teacher Conferences - Parent Sign-Up

Parent Teacher Conferences - Parent Sign-Up

Optimal PTC

Parent Conferences Sign-Up Directions

Sign-Up Opens on October 8th at 9am

Access will be denied prior to opening time

  1. Go to

  2. Our School Code is pride2017

  3. Enter your 10 digit telephone number

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  1. If you have not yet registered the number proceed with registration below.  If you registered a phone number please skip to Step 5.

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  1. Enter your password. If you just registered this year please proceed to Step 7.

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  1. If you forgot your password, please click “forgot password” and add your email on record.  An email will be sent with your password.

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  1. Return to “Log In “ page and enter your phone number and password

  2. Choose your child’s teachers

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  1. Select Teachers

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  1. Select your child’s Core Teachers (Language Arts, Science, Math and Social Studies)

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  1. Verify Teachers and click on Scheduling

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  1. Choose your preferred date and times, then click “Show Me Some Schedules!” *The “Auto Schedule” option tries to optimize the amount of time spent at conferences

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  1. Look over the optimized schedules and book your preferred times


  1. Verify your itinerary and select how you would like to be notified. This ends the process, you can logout after you have verified your itinerary.

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