Organizing your PS Learning page

Organizing your PS Learning page

Pages and Blocks are designed to be flexible - there is no single "right" way to use them. However, there are some general tips to keep in mind.

For instance, it's usually best to:

  • Keep each Page as short as possible.
  • Use Pages like folders to group sub-pages together.
  • Use your Home Page to help students find what they need.

There are a number of ways to apply these recommendations to your class.

For example, this Quick-Start Class uses one Page per unit, with sub-pages for specific lessons. This creates a sequence of thematic topics.




This Quick-Start Class, on the other hand, is based on weekly or daily activities: it uses one Page per month, with sub-pages for each particular week. If you wanted to, you could even break those weeks down into individual days.




Whatever structure you use, it's a good idea to use your Home Page (the first Page in the list) as a landing page that helps students get where they're going. Here is an example from an imaginary high school English class.




It includes a Text Block linking to the current unit, an Announcements Block, an Upcoming Activities Block, and a Calendar Block. Note that this also gives teachers a place to go to add AnnouncementsAssignments, and Events.


For more ideas on how to organize your class using Pages, check out our Sample Classes

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