MAP Testing Training Aides

MAP Testing Training Aides

MAP Test Makeup Procedures (Rostering)

  1. Sign in to confirm your participation -

  1. Go to the new web-based MAP site -
    Click “Forgot Username or Password?”
    Enter your SAES email address.

  1. Check your email, follow the link and set your password.  
    IMPORTANT: Make your password something you can remember.  You will be using this account to login to create test sessions and proctor the tests in the lab.

  1. Click “Manage Test Sessions”.

  1. Click “Find Students to Test”.

  1. Enter student ID numbers without the "S" and click Search. This avoids entering a sibling or misspelling a last name.2017-09-18_14-31-29.jpg

  1. Click “Add Students”

For example, “makeup yourlastname date”.

Create a test session for each unique group of students you will be proctoring tests for.
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