MAP Testing Contact Numbers

MAP Testing Contact Numbers

Contact Numbers MAP Testing

MAP Support Office Cell

Nigel Robinson 877-1545                966 53 742 3081

Jon Catuccio 877-1545                   966 53 921 1287

Chris Vande Voort 877-1545           966 56 505 6570

Martha Ramos 877-1545                966 50 294 3543

Doug Scotchburn 877-1699           966 53 6334617

Jeanine Devlin 877-1698                966 55 2166143

Nathan Taylor 877-9726                 966 50 0350544

Computer Lab Number

Bldg. 214 Lab 877-1624

Bldg. 214 RM 502 - SST 877-1321

Bldg. 224 Lab 872-7280

Bldg. 210 Lab Floor 1 877-1413

Bldg. 210 Lab Floor 2 877-1422

Bldg. 223 Lab 872-2095

Bldg. 222 North Lab 877-1327

Bldg. 222 South Lab 872-7280

Administrator Office Cell

Cristiana Jurgensen (5th/6th) 877-1133 966 56 901 0345

Danny Gordon (7th) 877-1694 966 56 909 5938

Steve Flynn (8th/9th) 877-1255                                966 56 299 9917

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