Embed Google Drive onto PS Learning Page

Embed Google Drive onto PS Learning Page

Select Add Content Block and choose Google Drive to embed Documents, Sheets, Presentations, Drawings and other resources from your Google Drive. Collaboration tools can be enabled for Google Documents and Sheets.


Please note: This feature is only available to School & District Edition domains of PowerSchool Learning that have integrated with G Suite for Education.


1. Select the Add Content Block button on any Page in your class to get started. 




2. Select the Google Drive block type.




3. Decide whether you'd like to create a new Google Drive Document that will automatically be added to your Google Drive, or whether you'd like to select an existing Google Drive Document. Then, hit Next.




4. If you've chosen to Create a New Google Drive Doc, you'll need to choose your document type and give your document a title. If you've chosen to use an existing Google Doc using Pick from Google Drive, the document type and name will automatically be populated. Then, select who you want to be able to edit this document, and choose whether you want the document to be View only or able to be edited right from within PowerSchool Learning using Collaboration tools.


Note that while other types of Google files can be embedded as View onlyCollaboration tools are only available for Google Documents and Spreadsheets. Students can follow the pencil icon  Lmsgsuite739img4a.png in the upper right corner of the Google Drive Block to edit non-compatible file types in Google Drive instead.




5. Choose where you'd like Drive file to land on the page using the Block placement option, then hit Next. The Google Doc file block typically displays best when it's in a Page with a One Column layout.





6. If you've chosen to Create a New Google Drive Doc, you'll receive a notification that your Google Doc has been created and can hit Save. Your Google Drive Block will appear! If you've chosen to Pick from Google Drive, your Google Drive Block will appear with no additional steps.




7. If you've enabled Collaboration tools, Students and Teachers can edit the Google Drive file right from within PowerSchool Learning, including adding comments, making suggestions. Multiple Students and Teachers can be editing the same document at once! Otherwise, the file will be embedded as a View Only document. 



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