Creating a poll

Creating a poll

You can create a new Poll through the Polls area of the Activities tab. Just select Add Poll to get started! This will take you to a Create Poll area where you can add your question and answers, and adjust settings.

How do I create a new Poll?

. Navigate to the Polls area of the Activities tab in your class, then select Add Poll. You can also create a Poll through the Add Content Block menu, under the Messages & Activities tab by selecting Polls.


2. Write out your Question and Choices through the Create Poll menu. Hint: You can re-arrange or delete choices using the green arrows and red circle respectively, and Add Choice will allow you to add additional options to the poll!

Through the Settings area of the Create Poll menu, select the sub-set of individuals who can take the Poll. This may include:

  • Students Only
  • Parents Only
  • Everyone in Roster: this includes Parents, Students, and Teachers enrolled in the class
  • Anyone: this incluse Parents, Students and Teachers enrolled in the class, as well as Guests (individuals not logged into PowerSchool Learning). Please note, this option is only available to Public classes

4. Choose from the available optional settings listed. Please note: These settings are permanent after you publish the poll, but if you leave the poll a draft after the initial setup you can still change them until it has been published. Feel free to select any or all of the following options:

  • Allow selection of multiple choices: Users can choose as many or few of the answers as they'd like, like a checklist
  • Add "Other" to the choice list: Users can write in their answer as an optional choice
  • Anonymous Poll: Teacher cannot see who voted what



5. Select Next to move on to a Preview of your Poll. From here you can go back and Edit your settings, choices, and question. Once you've reviewed your poll, you can Keep as Draft and publish the poll later or Publish it now. This will make the Poll available for folks in your Roster to view and vote.

Select Publish to publish the poll now, and select additional Publish Poll settings. Choose when or whether to display the results of the Poll:

  • After a user has voted
  • After the poll closes
  • Never: this will restrict results such that only Teachers in the course can view them

Publishing will open the Poll, but you can choose for it to automatically end on a specific date, or to last Forever (you can always manually close it later). If you'd like users to see the poll in a popup as soon as they visit your class, check Ask user to respond via popup.


While publishing, you can choose to create a new Content Block for your Poll, or substitute your Poll for a Content Block already in place. You can also title your block and choose the page and location in your class where it should appear.

To edit or view the results of your Poll later, you can find the Poll on the Page where you created the block, and select Edit or View Results from the drop-down menu. When viewing results, you can print your results, or Export them as a .csv file, and from the Manage Poll menu you can Edit, Close, or Delete the poll.


All set! You can find your Poll in the Polls section of your Activities tab, and later Edit, View Results, Export, Close or Delete the Poll through the Manage Poll menu.

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