CogAT Testing Steps - Grade 5

CogAT Testing Steps - Grade 5

CogAT Testing Steps - Grade 5

  1. Please keep track of students who are absent for a test session and send their names and the test session that they missed to Nathan Taylor.

  2. Go to and click on the Proctor my online testing session now link.

  3. Login with your username, password and session code from the Google Sheet.

  4. Write the Session Code on the board for the students.

  5. Ask the students to open the CogAT testing application using the shortcut on the desktop called CogAT_Online.exe.

  6. Students should login to the test session using their SAES library number and the Session Code.  The library number is without the 's'.

  7. When all of your students appear in the Waiting for Approval section, click on the Approve All.

  8. Switch to the Proctor Led tab, read the instruction slides and start the test.

  9. After 10 minutes or when all the students have finished the test, remind students to click Done to end the subtest. The Thank You page appears in the student view.

    Remind students to click End to close the subtest. Subtests are sent to HMH
    Scoring Service for scoring, and the Draw Here page appears in the student view.

    The students’ status in the Approved Students area of the session tab changes to Completed.  

    IMPORTANT:  All students must click Done and End before their status changes to Completed.  All students must have a Completed status in order to move the class on to the next subtest or end the testing session.

  10. Switch back to the Session Tab.  

    To continue to the next subtest, click Continue Testing All in the Approved Students area.  

    A confirmation dialog box appears. Click OK.  Switch to the Proctor Led tab, read the instruction slides and start the test.

  11. Please remember that the first testing session includes 4 subtests from Verbal Analogies through Number Analogies.

  12. When you finish the Number Analogies test, switch back to the Session Tab and click the End Testing All button in the Approved Students area.

  1. Click Ok to end the test session.

  2. Students may still be locked into the CogAT testing application.  Ask the students to press CTRL + ALT + Delete, and then Log off.

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